Sunday, October 31, 2010


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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fri, 29 Oct 2010 06:44:40 +0100

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Witches, Wicca, Wizards and Magic


Would you like to learn the truth about such things as Witches, Wicca,
Wizards and Magic? Seperate myth from fact and learn about the origins
and practice of Magic

Witches Wiccans & Magick ~ Traditions & History

Contrary to popular belief, Wicca is NOT an old religion! It is NOT
the "old ways". Wicca was founded in the early 1950's by a man
named Gerald Gardner. Gardner was initiated into a coven of Witches
that practiced the "old Religion" in England in the late 1930's
when England still had witchcraft laws in effect making it illegal to
practice any form of the craft. When the laws were repelled in the
early 50's, Gardner broke away from his coven claiming that the
information he had received was too sparse for his liking. He then
went on to form his own covens combining his knowledge from the Free
Masons and the Order of the Golden Dawn (having supposedly been a
member of both) and of ceremonial magic. This was the beginning of
Wicca and the start of what we know as the "Gardnerian Tradition".

Witches Wiccans & Magick ~ Traditions & History

Origins Myths & Truths about Witchcraft & Witches

What comes to mind when you think of a witch? If it is the fearsome,
cackling hag leaning over a boiling cauldron or a silhouette in the
moon of an old woman in a pointed hat flying her broomstick... nothing
could be further from the truth. Witches have had many misconceptions
throughout the years... one of the most heinous ones being that they
were evil and deserved hanging or burning. Witch trials in both Europe
and the colonies which would become the United States took place
between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries because of the
perceived threat against Christianity. Mass fear and negative images
were used to further other agendas... which led to violence against
people who were not even practicing what they were accused of.

Origins Myths & Truths about Witchcraft & Witches

Wicca - Origins, Moral Codes, Symbols, Magick and Truth

"Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill; as ye harm none, do what ye
will" - taken from the Rede of the Wiccae Wicca itself is a
comparatively new religion. It is classified as neopagan (or "new"
pagan), although it does base many of its beliefs in the old ways. It
is however a misconception that Wicca is ancient. It is based in the
ancient ways, but Wicca itself was made popular in the 1950's by a man
named Gerald Gardner.

Wicca - Origins, Moral Codes, Symbols, Magick and Truth

The Wheel of the Year: The Eight Wiccan Sabbaths

The wheel of the year is a representation of the Earths yearly cycle.
It is called "wheel of the year" because if you drew a circle and
made eight lines all intersecting in the center, it would look similar
to a wagon wheel. Each point on this circle represents a progression
or an event as the seasons pass. Thus the wheel "turns" so to
speak. Each turn of the wheel is celebrated in Wicca and other
religions as well. Wiccans celebrate each turn of the wheel with
something called a Sabbath. Sabbaths are solar celebrations just as
Esbats are lunar celebrations. We are celebrating each season change
and each midpoint in-between because we feel that these turns are
important and each represent something different.

The Wheel of the Year: The Eight Wiccan Sabbaths

Wizards Warlocks & Sorcerers

Magic has been around since the beginning of time. Since humankind's
inception, our species has been fascinated with how we as mere mortals
can manipulate what is around us... creating something new and
entirely different. Women who do this have been called "witches" for
centuries... but the art of magic was not restricted to women alone.
Christianity in medieval times referred to any male witch as a
warlock. This word in its Old English origin is "waerloga" (one who
breaks an oath or deceives). In Scottish lore, the word is often
simply used to refer to a male witch. In modern Wicca, the word
"witch" applies to both male and female, and most consider the term
"warlock" an incorrect word.

Wizards Warlocks & Sorcerers

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Ghost Books!

Welcome to the new issue of the "Bump in the Night " newsletter -- a big welcome back to all of you long-time subscribers out there and welcome also to those of you who just discovered us during this past Halloween season. We have a mix of news and Halloween-related stuff for this issue, so I hope you enjoy it! This season has been a fast and hectic one for us here at American Hauntings, made especially enjoyable by our new arrival. So, thanks to all of you who wrote after the last issue with congratulations on the new baby. She has certainly made things interesting this year. But let's get on to the newsletter... 

Join host Troy Taylor this weekend at the haunted Avon Theater in Decatur, Illinois for two nights of FREE horror films, starting at 10:30 PM on Friday and Saturday nights. Doors open at 10:00 Pm and you can lined up to buy the best popcorn in North America and then get ushered into the haunted confines of the Avon for FREE showings of Return of the Living Dead (Friday) and the new Halloween classic Trick R Treat (Saturday). Hope to see you there!

Halloween wouldn't be complete without a carved pumpkin's sinister grin -- but how this ritual get started?
The tradition of Halloween was brought to America by the Irish immigrants who began arriving on these shores after the great Potato Famine of the middle 1800s, introducing the Celtic festival of Samhain and forever establishing the end harvest as the night when the dead walk the earth. 

It's no surprise then to find that the origin of the jack-o-lantern comes from an Irish folk take about a miserly blacksmith known as Stingy Jack. Although the story has many variations, the most commonly told version has Jack stumbling home from the pub one Halloween night when he ran into the Devil himself. He agreed to make a bargain for his soul in exchange for one last drink before he went to Hell. Being a bit of a tightwad, Jack asked the Devil to pick up the tab. The Devil agreed and transformed himself into a sixpence coin, which Jack was supposed to use to pay the bartender. Drunk or not, Jack was a smart one and he quickly put the coin in his pocket, which also contained his rosary. The Devil, unable to change back into his true form next to the religious article, then made a deal with Jack that if he let him out of his pocket, he would not return for Jack's soul for ten years. 

When the Devil returned a decade later, Jack agreed to go with him without a fight if only he were allowed to pick and apple from a nearby tree and eat it along the way. The Devil agreed, but then was tricked again by the clever blacksmith. Using his penknife, Jack trapped the Devil by carving a crucifix into the trunk of the apple tree. Infuriated at being tricked again, the Devil agreed to let Jack alone if only he would set him free. Jack complied and the Devil returned to Hell alone.

Years later, Jack died but he was not let into heaven because of his wicked ways -- and he couldn't get into Hell because the Devil refused to have him. Instead, he was damned to wander in the darkness between two worlds. To light his way, the Devil gave him a glowing ember from Hell and Jack placed it inside of an old gourd, which he used as a lantern.

Since then, Jack has roamed the darkness with his lantern eerily lighting his path. The fear of meeting this lost soul spawned the Irish Halloween custom of dressing in costumes to frighten away spirits. Townsfolk would also leave offerings of food outside their front doors and carve faces into potatoes and gourds, placing their in their windows to frighten away Jack or any other ghosts who came to visit. 

By the early 1700s, the term "jack-o-lantern", or "Jack of the Lantern" in its original form, was used in Ireland as a nickname for night watchman who patrolled villages at night with lanterns, scaring away prowlers and animals. It wasn't until 1837 that the phrase "jack-o-lantern" first appeared in American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne's book Twice-Told Tales, as a name for a carved, lighted pumpkin.

By the 1840s, as hundreds of thousands of poor Irish farmers were forced to flee the famine for America, they brought their Halloween customs with them, including the jack-o-lantern. Jack-o-lanterns slowly became an American tradition but it was not until the 1966 Peanuts animated special, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, that they became a full-fledged symbol of the season. The show became an instant classic and the jack-o-lantern has been an essential part of Halloween ever since. 

The website is now up and running for the Midwest conference, which is coming June 10-11, 2011 at haunted Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois! We have a full list of speakers and events now online, as well as the crazy number of after-hours events that we are offering this year. You're not going to believe it! This is our biggest and best Midwest conference yet and you're not going to want to miss it! Click Here to see the Website for the Midwest Conference!

The San Diego conference is starting to fill up! It's still a few months away but if you want to take part in any of the after-hours events for the conference, you need to get signed up now!

Join Host and Author Troy Taylor and Co-Host Lauren Kasak of Lumia Paranormal Research Services as America's Original Ghost Conference journeys to San Diego, California for its first West Coast Conference! Join us for a spirited weekend of ghosts, hauntings and the unexplained and experience the history and hauntings of San Diego with our conference, haunted tours, ghost hunts and more! It's going to be the first big ghost weekend of 2011!

The West Coast Conference will be held the weekend of February 18-19, 2011 at the Scottish Rite Event Center in San Diego. Join us for our first Ghost Conference on the West Coast and  discover nationally-known speakers on ghosts, hauntings and the supernatural. The event will include lectures and presentations on hauntings, haunted tours, ghost hunts, after-hours events In Old Town San Diego and much more! Click Here to Register for the West Coast event!

Halloween may be almost over, but the hauntings continue all year around at Whitechapel Press! we have some great new titles to preview for the coming months -- and a brand new website!
Founded in 1993, Whitechapel Press is our own independent publishing company, offering books on ghosts, hauntings, history and crime since the very beginning. It took us until 2010, but we finally have our own website! Operated for many years as simply a small part of the Ghosts of the Prairie / American Hauntings website, we have now expanded and are offering more titles -- and more authors -- than ever before. You can see the website, along with all of our books (and Troy Taylor's books from other publishers), by following this link to Whitechapel Press.
Where did we get our name?
One of our most-often asked questions is an easy one for crime and history buffs... When we started out, we offered publications on Spiritualism and Victorian-era history. "Whitechapel" is the section of London where Jack the Ripper committed his murders, hence the name! 
What's Coming Next from Whitechapel Press?
We have had a number of new releases this past year (see the website) and have many more planned for the months ahead. There will be others, but here's a sneak preview of a few:

* Suicide & Spirits: The True Story of the Rise & Fall of the Lemp Empire
Finally, for all of those who have waited for the true story of the Lemp family of St. Louis, Troy Taylor is tackling the myths and misconceptions that have surrounded the family -- and the mysterious Lemp Mansion -- for decades. With cooperation from the last members of the Lemp family, he'll be delving into Lemp history and hauntings in a way that has never been done before!
(Early 2011)
* A Pale Horse was Death: Horrors of More American Disasters
We have received more requests for a sequel to And Hell Followed With It, a 2010 release from Troy Taylor and Rene Kruse than for any other book in our history. So, it's coming! Troy and Rene return to the record of American disaster and death for even more horrific stories of devastation and even more tales of earth, air, fire, water -- and blood! (2011)
Troy is also working on more entries in the "Dead Men Do Tell Tales" Series, including:
* The Bloody Mississippi: Horror & Hauntings Along America's Greatest River
* America's Last Outlaws: History & Hauntings of Dust Bowl Era Desperadoes
* Bigfoot in Kentucky
Author BM Nunnelly returns with a follow-up to his book Mysterious Kentucky for all of our readers fascinated by unsolved mysteries and cryptozoology. (Early 2011)
See the New Events that have been added for 2011!
Click Here to Visit the American Hauntings Home Page!
2011 has a been a record-breaking year for us in regards to just how many new overnights, ghost hunts and events that we have added to the schedule -- and how many of you took advantage of these great events! It looks like 2011 is going to be even more exciting and we already have a number of events listed on the schedule. Take a look at and see what we have in store for you for next year... so far!!
January 8: Night at the Original Springs Hotel
Okawville, Illinois -- We return to this mysterious and haunted hotel for another all-night ghost hunt that includes one night's hotel stay, dinner for two, tour and ghost hunt!
January 29: Night at the Lincoln Theater
Decatur, Illinois -- Return with us to one of the most haunted places in America for a "dead of winter" all-night ghost hunt! 
February 6: Night at the Lemp Mansion -- Only a couple of spots left!
St. Louis, Missouri -- Another all-night ghost hunt at one of America's most haunted houses! Hear the TRUE stories of the Lemp mansion, NOT what you've seen on TV!
February 12: Night at the Old Funeral Home
Jacksonville, Illinois -- 
Join us at this former funeral home, now home to the Jacksonville Theatre Guild -- and to a number of restless ghosts!
February 19: Night at Bryn Du Mansion
Granville, Ohio -- a new and intriguing haunted mansion to explore!
February 26: Night at the Haunted Rectory
Jacksonville, Illinois
March 11-12: Haunted Weekend in New Orleans
Escape from cold weather and journey with us to New Orleans for an amazing weekend of ghost hunts, tours and America's most haunted city!
March 26: Night at the Twin City Opera House
McConnelsville, Ohio -- Return with us to one of Ohio's most haunted sites!
April 9: Night at the Mansfield Reformatory
Mansfield, Ohio -- Return with us to one of America's most haunted prisons!
Eldred, Illinois -- Join us for our first ghost hunting event of the year at one of our most popular Illinois locations!
April 29-30: Haunted Weekend in Gettysburg
Come back for another of our guest's favorite trips as we explore of the country's most haunted locations -- during the day and night -- the Gettysburg battlefield.
May 7: Night at the Villisca Ax Murder House
Villisca, Iowa -- 
Join us as we return for another all-night ghost hunt at one of America's most haunted houses! Limited Spots! 
August 5-6: Bell Witch Weekend
Adams, Tennessee -- A favorite weekend of the summer is back! Join us in the heart of Bell Witch country for a history and hauntings weekend, optional canoe trip, tours, after dark exploration of the Bell Witch Cave and more!
And that's just a sample of the events that we have to come! We'll be adding many others in the weeks and months to come, but don't miss out on those you really want to attend by waiting too long to get signed up!
October 29-30: FREE Horror movies at the Avon Theater in Decatur, Illinois -- hosted by Troy Taylor! Film start at 10:30 PM both nights. FREE Admission!
October 30: Night at the Eldred House: Eldred, Illinois -- Join us for a special Halloween Eve event at the notoriously haunted Eldred house and grounds! SOLD OUT!

November 6: Night at Rolling Hills Asylum: E. Bethany, New York -- Join us for a private, overnight ghost hunt at this former insane asylum, home to scores of resident spirits! SOLD OUT!
November 6: Night at the Old Courthouse & Jail: Carlinville, Illinois -- Visit the infamous Macoupin County Courthouse and old jail on a hunt for the lingering ghosts from the past! SOLD OUT!
November 12: Night at the Ax Murder House: Villisca, Iowa -- Join us for a night at one of America's most haunted houses! SOLD OUT!
November 13: Murder & Mayhem in Chicago at the Lisle History Museum! Join author Troy Taylor for some of the Windy City's bloodiest tales. Located at 921 School Street in Lisle, Illinois. Program begins at 4:00 p.m.
November 13: Night at the Haunted Mansion: Carrollton, Illinois -- Return with us to the haunted Lee-Baker-Hodges house on the city's historic square! Reservations!
November 19: Book Signing with Troy Taylor at the Frugal Muse Bookstore; 7511 Lemont Road; Darien, Illinois (southeast corner of 75th and Lemont) Meet the author and get signed copies of ghost and crime books!
December 3: Resurrection Mary Tour: Chicago, Illinois -- Troy Taylor hosts his annual winter Resurrection Mary Tour, exploring the TRUE tales of Chicago's most famous ghosts and the many hauntings along Archer Avenue on the city's southwest side. Limited Spots! Reservations!
December 26-31: Going to be in Chicago this Holiday season? Make your trip complete with one of the specialty tours that we are offering as a week-long "holiday of horrors"! Featuring annual favorites that we only do during the holiday season, from crime to ghosts, serial killers, zombies and our "Chicago Disaster Tour", held on December 30, anniversary of the Iroquois Theater disaster! Check out Weird Chicago for details!
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© Copyright 2010 by Troy Taylor. All Rights Reserved. 
American Hauntings & Whitechapel Press, Chicago, Illinois,

Monday, October 25, 2010

About Paranormal: Halloween: A Scary Season Rooted in Reality

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
Ok, we're down to the last few days -- Halloween is just a week away and we'll have several special features coming your way. That also means you have just a couple of days to send in your entry to our Halloween Costume Contest.

Halloween: A Scary Season Rooted in Reality
Every year at this time, conversations turn to the mysterious world of the supernatural, says Melissa Newman. Unlike the "safe scares" that Halloween brings, for those who encounter real paranormal phenomena, the encounters can be truly terrifying.

Time traveler in 1920 Charlie Chaplin footage?
Filmmaker George Clarke has spotted something unusual in some "behind the sceens" footage of the 1920 Charlie Chaplin film The Circus. The footage can be found on the "extras" disc of the DVD. In the brief clip, an old woman (some say it looks like a man in drag) walks into frame talking while holding a small, thin device up to her ear. If the film were made today, we would assume she was talking on a cell phone, but of course this is 1920. Is she a time traveler? Or is there a more logical explanation? Read more, watch the video, decide and leave your comments.

News: Selling Haunts, Ghost Calls, 2010 Prophecy
Top story: How to sell a haunted house Plus: • Ghostly photograph taken at execution site • How to remove a ghost • Are ghosts using cell phones to contact friends? • Are giant butterfly sightings Mothman-like precursors? • "Psy-dentical" twins share their gift • Does Bigfoot roam the forests of China? • Top 10 ghost tours in the U.S. • 2012 doomsday prophecy inaccurate, says scholar • Crocodile on plane kills 19 passengers

CNY Spirits at the Homer Center for the Arts, Part 2
In this episode of CNY Spirits, the Central New York Ghost Hunters continue their investigation of the Center for the Arts in Homer, New York. Several attempts are made to contact the spirits of a ghost with a top hat, a little girl named Sally and a not-so-nice janitor through the use of the ghost box, voice recorders and good old-fashioned provocation. Read more and watch the episode.


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Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More >

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This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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And check these out...
Lost Technology, Poltergeists, Remote Viewing
Village Disappears, Peru Geoglyph, Greeting the Dead
Last Week's Feature: The Werewolf of Bedburg


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Special Halloween Issue

Special Halloween Issue

Only 10 more days to get your story in! Deadline for entry is October

Talk Paranormal's 2nd Annual Fiction Writing Contest

Over $200 in cash prizes plus we will be giving away books and
T-shirts ~ No Entry Fee

Brought to you by

Sponsored by Red Wheel/Weiser

and True Ghost Tales


1st prize $100

2nd prize $75

3rd prize $50

4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Prizes will receive a gift package including
winner's choice of one book from Red Wheel Weiser plus choice of
either True Ghost Tales tee shirt or Talk Paranormal tee shirt.

8th, 9th and 10th Prizes will receive winner's choice of either a
True Ghost Tales tee shirt or a Talk Paranormal tee shirt.

For Complete Rules and Guidelines See This ~

Halloween is Coming!


Few people realize that most of the traditions involved with
Halloween, and the very occasion of Halloween itself, draws back much
further than the often cited 'European spin on a Roman spin on an
ancient Pagan holiday'.

Here is a selection of great Halloween pages!

Everything Halloween

Halloween History

History and Origins of Halloween

History of Trick or Treating

History of Halloween Costumes

Easy to Make Halloween Treats

The Paranormal Network

Paranormal Culture has been completely remodeled! Many new features
and apps available, faster loading, and a whole new look.

Paranormal Culture is the social network created especially for those
who are interested in the mysteries of the paranormal and supernatural

Members may post blogs, private message, live chat, post photos and
videos, customize your profile page and all sorts of cool stuff.

Head on over and check it out!

Pandora's Box

From We have all heard of Pandora's Box but do you know the real story
behind the legend?

Do you wonder some times why we suffer so badly and why there is so
much heart ache, blood shed, greed, death, old age and the list goes
on and on.

Could there be some type of truth, that is in the legend of Pandora
herself and the box or urn that was given to her. The name Pandora
means "the one who bares all".

Today opening Pandora's box means to create or unleash evil that can
not be undone. The Pandora's box was really a large Urn or jar
(pithos) meaning all gifted.

In the Ancient Greek Mythology the First woman to ever walk on Earth
was named Pandora and was used as a secret weapon against mankind.

Pandora The First Woman of Greek Mythology:

Ouja Board Tales

Here is a relatively new website devoted to nothing but Ouija Board

Huge Page about the Ouija Board:

Freakiest Ouija Stories Ever!

Are Shadow Creatures Paranormal Entities?

Have you ever seen a Shadow Creature? What do you think they are? Are
they evil? Where do they come from?

Brand new page about Shadow Creatures!

Are Shadow Creatures Paranormal Entities?
<> is among the most popular paranormal websites on
the Internet and I want to thank every one of you who has made that
possible. I greatly appreciate everyone for visiting the site and for
posting your comments on the stories.

The paranormal world is interesting all year round but it seems that
around Halloween the interest in all things ghostly goes on the rise.

If you have a friend who might be interested in this please feel free
to forward them your copy!

Very sincerely!


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Monday, October 18, 2010

About Paranormal: The Werewolf of Bedburg

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
Yes, encounters with ghosts and strange creatures can be quite frightening, but they cannot compare with the the truly horrifying monsters that some flesh-and-blood people can become. Such is the case with the young man in this week's feature, a "werewolf" whose abominable deeds out-gross anything Hollywood slasher movies can dish out. Also see a new shadowperson video, for your review. And don't forget about our Halloween costume contest. There's still time to enter!

The Werewolf of Bedburg
Are there real werewolves? You may be surprised by the true story of Peter Stubbe, a monster who made a deal with the Devil and terrorized a German village for years with unspeakably cruel crimes and murders -- and that ended on Halloween long ago. Be warned: This is a disturbing one!

Video of the Week: Upstairs Shadowperson
This video appears to have been made by a kid who was documenting his house for his own kid reasons. Then, unexpectedly, a shadow person seems to cross the scene. This scares the kid and the video ends. Is this a genuine shadowperson... just a shadow... or a fake? Read more, watch the video and take the poll.

News: Bigfoot Sighted, Celebrity Ghosts, Psychic De Niro
Top story: Bigfoot sighted on Taibai Mountain Plus: • Rolling Hills comes alive for haunted tours, paranormal conference • 11 homes that are haunted by dead celebrities • A guide to Philly's scariest locations • Top 10 little-known Halloween facts, trivia • Black-winged things: monsters, myth, or madness? • In search of the Beast of Bardia • Skunk ape in Paulding and Douglas Counties • Ghost hunt brings closure for family • Robert De Niro turns psychic ... more Paranormal News

CNY Spirits at the Homer Center for the Arts
In this episode of CNY Spirits, lead investigators Carolyn Lamie and Matt Cary take the Central New York Ghost Hunters to the Homer Center for the Arts in Homer, New York. There are several anecdotes of ghost sightings there, including that of a maintenance worker. The most eerie have been the sightings of ghost children that looked so real that staff members at first thought they belonged to the day care center that was there at the time. But all those children were accounted for. Read more and watch the episode.


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Is it a Cold or the Flu?
Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More >

Concerned About Your Drinking?
This short quiz can help you identify whether or not you have a drinking problem. Take the quiz now >

This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
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And check these out...
Skinwalkers, Ancient Discs, Shadow People
Halloween Costume Contest
Last Week's Feature: Tales of the Ouija
