Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Ticket Sales for Newsletter Subscribers ONLY!
See Below or go straight to the reservations form!

As promised -- advance ticket for the Alton Hauntings Tours are now available! As any longtime readers or subscribers can tell you, tickets for the tours always sell out at record speed every year! We started offering advance sales to newsletter subscribers for the Alton Tours back in 1999 and many who bought them could tell you that this was the ONLY way that they could have gotten onto the tours and in fact, one year, all of the tours we had available sold out in less than 24 hours! We offer a larger number of tours than we did back then, but starting at 11:59 p.m. on Labor Day, tickets sales for the tours become a feeding frenzy for the general public. So, why wait? Tickets for the award-winning tours of “one of the most haunted small towns in America” are now available, but ONLY for newsletter subscribers! Tickets go on sale to the general public in a few days, so don’t miss out on your chance to take advantage of this early sale for subscribers and make your reservations now. To get tickets, go to:

Click Here for Reservations!
You can see the schedule, and get more information about the tours, on the Alton Hauntings home page but you can’t get your tickets there! Use the special link above --- for newsletter subscribers only --- to get your tickets in advance. This is your only chance to purchase these hard-to-get tickets (we often hear from people who have been trying to get on our tours for years!) while all of the tours are still available. Get your tickets now before we open them to the general public and the “feeding frenzy” for the best tours begin! Hope to see you on the Alton tours this fall!!


Reservations are now available to the general public to attend the San Diego Conference! We're pretty sure that our subscribers don't realize just how limited the After Hours events are for the conference! We have a lot of them but only a few available spots for each. Don't miss out -- go to West Coast Conference site and get signed up now! 
The long-awaited new edition of Troy Taylor's out-of-print book on the history and hauntings of New Orleans is finally available to order! This new version of the book from History Press goes hand-in-hand with Troy's title from earlier this summer, WICKED NEW ORLEANS. Discover more ghosts, more ghouls and more famous and little-known hauntings from one of America's Most Haunted City in the new edition of the book! Click Here to Order Your Copy or see more info below! Order now and get a special deal if you order both of Troy's New Orleans Books! 
In our 17th season, the Haunted Decatur Tour is one of the longest-running ghost tours in the state of Illinois. Never equaled for the sheer thrills and spooky locations, the highly in demand tickets go on sale starting Monday, September 13 for the general public but newsletter subscribers can get their tickets (including for the special "Ghost Hunter's Tours") on September 9!
This is the latest installment of a feature that we have recently added to the newsletter. In each issue, Michael Winkle will be uncovering a new, little known supernatural, paranormal or just plain weird feature from the annals of the unknown.
The Pennsylvania Ouroboros
Category:  Haunting (Zooform)
From:  Whitney and Bullock, p. 192-193
Where:  Pennsylvania, “16 miles west of Johnstown, in Somerset Co., Jenner township, at the Cross roads”
When:  1880s onwards
Who:  Numerous people in Somerset County, including Joe Boyer, Joe Leverson, and Jeremiah Mowery, a preacher
How close to source:  Whitney and Bullock collected the story from William Johnson, a primary witness
Phenomena:  When William Johnson was a boy in this area of Pennsylvania, the local schoolhouse stood in the middle of a field, in such an out-of-the-way location (even for a country school) that “much time was lost for all the pupils” merely walking there each morning.  When Johnson was about sixteen (circa 1886), a new building was erected at the crossroads at Jenner.  No sooner was the building completed, however, than a terrifying entity manifested itself:
“Every month in the dark of the moon, an immense snake would appear.  While its head and tail seemed to be hidden under the school-house, its long scaly body, over a foot in diameter, was laid across all public highways leading to the place.  He [Johnson] said they often had evenings at the school-house, and spelling schools and the like, and had to get over the serpent before entering the house.” [Whitney and Bullock, 193]
Johnson said the scales on the creature were “sharp” rather than slick, and that if anyone touched it in stepping over, he or she would “stick” to it and get thrown to the ground.
Not everybody could see the thing, but everyone could feel it, and even those blind to it would be thrown down if they stepped on it.  The creature was so long its body ran across several people’s properties.  One such landowner, a man named Frame, became so frightened that he sold his holdings and moved away.  The purchaser, Joe Leverson, raised a large family on the “snake” property with no problems.  The local children lost their fear of it as well.  Occasionally local men who had bolstered their courage with drink would attack the serpent with fence stakes or other weapons, to no avail, “though the stake would be broken to pieces.”
Oddities:  No one ever saw this bizarre apparition’s head or tail-tip.  It seemed to be a single, endless loop of serpentine body.  Its immense size – the implication is that it must have been a mile or more long – calls to mind the colossal serpent Jormungandr from Norse mythology, which encircled the world in its coils.
Ending:  Johnson moved away from the area at age thirty.  The “snake” still appeared at that time, around the turn of the twentieth century.
Legend:  According to William Johnson, “an old gray-haired man who walked with a staff” opposed the building of the new school, saying the crossroads were haunted.  This is as close to a local legend as we get.
Explanation:  No one Johnson knew had any explanation for the entity, either.  (I tried hard not to write “They could make neither head nor tail of it.”  I’m wondering now how old that phrase is – perhaps it evolved from encounters such as this?)
Comments:  An old drawing of a dragonlike creature with a long neck and tail can be found in T. H. White’s translation of The Bestiary.  Both neck and tail terminate in small, doglike heads, and the front head holds the tail-head in its jaws.  The text explains:  “This is called an AMPHIVENA (Amphisbena) because it has two heads . . . With one head holding the other, it can bowl along in either direction like a hoop.”
This medieval monster sounds like the ancestor of the good old American Hoop Snake, a fabulous reptile that bites the end of its tail and rolls after its prey like a loose bicycle tire.  The Bestiary in turn lifted its information from older sources like Physiologus and Pliny.  (In an odd echo of the trouble people had in crossing the Pennsylvania entity, Pliny reported of the Amphisbena that “a pregnant woman will miscarry if she steps over it.” [White, 177])
These legendary creatures, along with the aforementioned Jormungandr, are all permutations of the Worm Ouroboros, the serpent with its tail in its mouth, a universal symbol of wholeness, totality, and the cycles of nature.  Yet it seems such things can be more than legends or symbols.
We might take a science-fictional turn and suggest that the Pennsylvania Ouroboros was a multi-dimensional being.  Such a creature could project part of its body into our universe while the rest of it remained in a higher spatial dimension.  Or we could draw upon occult lore.  The trouble people had in merely stepping over the Ouroboros, along with its circular outline, remind one of the “magic circle” used for protecting oneself or caging a spirit.  Also, the spirit power of serpents in general is an ancient and universal belief.  Perhaps in some primordial time the two were one:  the Magic Circle personified as a huge curled snake, protecting or imprisoning what lay within its coils.
A sign like that would warn me away, certainly.
White, Terence H.  Bestiary:  A Book of Beasts (New York: Capricorn Books, 1960 [1954]).
Whitney, Annie Weston, and Caroline Canfield Bullock, “Folk-Lore from Maryland,” in Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society, Volume 18, 1925.
September 9: Tickets on sale of the acclaimed Haunted Decatur Tours, one of the longest running ghost tours in Illinois, founded in 1994! Get tickets in advance of the general public by being a newsletter subscriber! See the Upcoming Halloween Tour Season!
September 11: Night at the Eldred House: Eldred, Illinois -- Join us for a ghost hunt at one of our most popular locations during Greene County Days! Reservations!
September 18: Night at Nemacolin Castle: Brownsville, Pennsylvania -- discover the ghosts of this landmark mansion during a private ghost hunt! Only 2 spots left! Reservations!
September 24-25: Haunted Weekend in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania -- SOLD OUT!
September 25: Night at the Squirrel Cage Jail: Council Bluffs, Iowa -- hunt for the ghosts of one of the most unusual jails in America! Reservations!
September 25: Night at the Haunted Opry: Winchester, Illinois -- Join us for a return to this eerie and haunted country music venue in downstate Illinois! Reservations!
September 25: Night at Black Moon Manor: Indiana -- Search for the spirits of one of the most haunted houses in Indiana! SOLD OUT!
October 2: Annual Fall Festival -- Join us for this FREE annual event at the Lebanon Visitor's Center in Lebanon, Illinois. A full day of ghosts, hauntings and speakers on spirits and the unexplained! Details about the Event!
October 2: Night at the Morse Mill Hotel: Jefferson County, Missouri - private, overnight ghost hunt at this haunted and historic former hotel! Reservations!
October 2: Night at the Original Springs Hotel: Okawville, Illinois -- SOLD OUT!
October 5: Weird & Haunted Illinois with Troy Taylor: Bloomington Public Library in Bloomington, Illinois; 7:00 p.m. 
October 8: Night at the Lincoln Theater: Decatur, Illinois -- Join us for an overnight ghost hunt at one of America's most haunted places! Reservations!
October 9: Night at Whispers Estate: Mitchell, Indiana -- Return with us for another all-night, private ghost hunt at one of Indiana's most haunted spots! Reservations!
October 9: Night at the Hockenhull Building: Jacksonville, Illinois -- Come along for a ghost hunt at this spooky location, where tragedy claimed the lives of the last occupants! Reservations!
October 16: Night at the Old Funeral Home: Jacksonville, Illinois -- Search for the lingering spirits of this former boarding house and funeral home, where ghosts of the past still linger! Reservations!
October 23: Night at the Haunted Rectory: Jacksonville, Illinois -- Return with us to one of our spookiest and most unusual locations, the old Our Savior Church Rectory! Reservations!
October 30: Night at the Eldred House: Eldred, Illinois -- Join us for a special Halloween Eve event at the notoriously haunted Eldred house and grounds! Reservations!

November 6: Night at Rolling Hills Asylum: E. Bethany, New York -- Join us for a private, overnight ghost hunt at this former insane asylum, home to scores of resident spirits! Reservations!
November 6: Night at the Old Courthouse & Jail: Carlinville, Illinois -- Visit the infamous Macoupin County Courthouse and old jail on a hunt for the lingering ghosts from the past! Reservations!
November 12: Night at the Ax Murder House: Villisca, Iowa -- Join us for a night at one of America's most haunted houses! Reservations!
November 13: Murder & Mayhem in Chicago at the Lisle History Museum! Join author Troy Taylor for some of the Windy City's bloodiest tales. Located at 921 School Street in Lisle, Illinois. Program begins at 4:00 p.m.
November 13: Night at the Haunted Mansion: Carrollton, Illinois -- Return with us to the haunted Lee-Baker-Hodges house on the city's historic square! Reservations!
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© Copyright 2010 by Troy Taylor. All Rights Reserved.
Whitechapel Press & American Hauntings, Chicago, Illinois, www.americanhauntings.org

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