Thursday, October 27, 2011

About Paranormal: New Picture: Little Ghost of the Lake

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
The Halloween Costume Contest is officially closed, and I have to tell you that this is the best year ever. I have received pictures of some absolutely amazing costumes. I will be sharing them with you on Halloween or shortly thereafter. They're great! In the meanwhile, take a look at the terrific photo sent in by a reader taken back in the 1990s. Is that the ghost of a little girl?

Little Ghost of the Lake picture
"I took this picture of my husband fishing at a very remote lake, Dorothy Dunn, in northern Wisconsin," says Elizabeth of a very interesting photo that she sent in. "The lake has no boat launch and no homes are on the lake. We had to hike in to the lake through brush and weeds." Yet the image seems to show a little girl standing nearby, and Elizabeth is certain they were alone. Go look!
See More About:  ghost pictures  ghost children 

Reader Report: Disappearing fork
Zachariah tells us of a mysterious experience in which a fork he had just laid down simply vanished. I had a similar experience with the lid of a Pringles can. Read about these experiences and others. Has it ever happened to you?

News: Paranormal Activity 3, Star Jelly Fall, Yeti Nest
Paranormal Activity 3... Star Jelly Glob... Yeti "nest" found... Spirits haunt Barrington's White Cemetery... Ghost Hunter flashlight phenomenon explained?... Remember the red ghost?... Is Bigfoot roaming the forests of Rhode Island?... The Mogollon Monster... Argentina: New crop circles at Chicoana... Girl set alight in "satanic ritual".

The Scariest Games
Are you planning a Halloween party? Think carefully before you choose "games" or activities that are on the edge. These are paranormal games that are played in the dark of night, and can have unexpected, even terrifying results. Some are so frightening, they shouldn't be played at all. Try "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board," the Ouija board, "Bloody Mary" and spoon bending at your own risk.


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This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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And don't miss....
Three Creepy Tales of Halloween
Jobs Sought Psychic, Marilyn Monroe's Spirit, Mysterious Bird Deaths
Those devilish black-eyed kids!


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