| | There's no ghost like a good old-fashioned Victorian ghost, and that's just what reader Sue reports on this week. We also have more accounts of mysterious sounds for you, since our recent roundup of such mysterious sky noises received such an enormous response. And be sure to catch the week's news. | | Reader Report: Victorian Gentleman Ghost "Back in the early 1980s, when my niece Debbie was a teenager, she lived with her boyfriend Gavin in a remote area of Wales, where the nearest shop was across an open field," reports Sue. "One day they were cutting through the field and an older woman was walking in front of them. Suddenly, a man in out-of-date Victorian clothes appeared out of nowhere and started walking alongside the woman...!" Read the rest of Sue's cool story. | News: Haunted Bar, Paranormal Insanity, Real Zombies Haunted bar video... Stop paranormal insanity!... Real-life zombies... Museum paranormal activity... Ghost lore on Steuben's Starr Hill... The MacKenzie Poltergeist... State of the supernatural: A call for sanity... Mount Shasta: Home of the underground dwellers and ancient gods... Nessie: Three monster hunters compete for £1,000 prize... Kreskin still astonishes audiences... Amazon's lost world... It rained fish in Agusan del Sur... Gold rush linked to prophecy... Cops and ghosts mingle on "Alcatraz" and "Lost Girl." | More mysterious sounds We've received a lot of responses from readers to the "Strange, unexplained sounds reported worldwide" post. Unexplained sounds from the sky or underground are not new, however. Here are several more documented reports from past years of booms, skyquakes, hums (like the Taos hum), subterranean mechanical sounds, and even a recording that some people believe are the tormented cries of the damned in Hell itself. | Top Psychics' Predictions for 2012 We recently heard from readers about what they foresee for 2012, but what about the professional psychics? What do they predict for 2012 in terms of world events, earth changes, celebrity hi-jinx, and scientific discoveries? Here's a round-up of some of the world's most sought-after psychics and what they see happening this year, including the U.S. presidential election, earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis, the world economy, medical breakthroughs -- even UFOs, monsters, and other phenomena. | | | | Paranormal Phenomena Ads | | | | Featured Articles | | | | More from About.com | | | | | | Living with Depression By obtaining the correct medical intervention and learning better coping skills, you can not only live with depression, but live well. More>
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