Monday, April 30, 2012

About Paranormal: Not All Shadow People Are Scary

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
In general, I think people are too afraid of the paranormal. It's understandable: People are afraid of the unknown -- especially when we're talking about ghosts and such. But there really isn't much to be afraid of. See this week's feature. And please do not forget about the paranormal photo hoax contest. You still have a couple of weeks to get your photos in... just don't forget!

Not All Shadow People Are Scary
The vast majority of shadow people sightings are described as scary, creepy, or even evil. Often, there is no real reason to attribute these negative aspects to the entities; it's usually just a feeling. This is only natural since the sighting of something dark and unknown instinctively arouses fear in the human mind: we fear what we do not understand. Yet, just as there are reports of good, benign, and evil ghosts, we can also assume that there is a range of "personality" in shadow people. Although they represent a small number, some people say they have gotten good vibes from them or even positive experiences with shadow people. Read about some of these encounters.
See More About:  shadow people  true ghost stories 

Experiment: How to Practice Automatic Writing
Here's something I would like to invite you all to try and then post your results, if any. Automatic writing is an old form of divination in which messages seem to come out of nowhere through your hand and onto paper. Some who have attempted this form of mediumship have written lengthy messages, songs -- even complete novels. It might not be easy, and you might not get results right away, but I think we'd all be interested to see how we can do with this experiment.
See More About:  automatic writing  divination 

News: Poltergeist Messages, Bigfoot Hunters, Haunted Houdini
Poltergeist messages... Bigfoot hunters... Haunted Houdini... William Roll: Poltergeist article... Dad's ghost-hunting gizmos for late daughter... Landlord sues couple who claimed rent house was haunted... EVP: Real or fake?... Argentina crop circle... Sea monster plant fossil baffles scientists... Against killing Bigfoot... How likely are you to see Bigfoot?... UFO near the sun: Curious NASA photo... A Catholic's guide to living in a haunted house.
See More About:  poltergeists  haunted places  crop circles

Reminder: 2012 Paranormal Photo Hoax Contest
Don't forget about the contest! Have you always wanted to capture an image of a ghost, a crypto creature, or a UFO, but just weren't lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time? No problem. Just make one. Not for the purposes of fooling anyone, just for the purposes of our contest. Yes, it's time for our annual Paranormal Photo Hoax contest! Put your best photo editing skills to work and create a phony picture of ghosts, monsters, UFOs or some other weirdness your brain can concoct. You have until May 15 to create your masterpiece. Get the details.
See More About:  contests  paranormal photos 


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This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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And don't miss these:
Animals and Ghosts
Ghost in the Hallway video
Crow: Harbinger of Death
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

About Paranormal: Ghost in the Hallway video

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
It's great when readers and ghost hunting groups send in their videos for us to evaluate. Check out the one below and then tell us what you think of it: Fact or Faked? And see the week's news, including an item about a new expedition to find living dinosaurs. Then read the fascinating reader report about a most bothersome crow.

Ghost in the Hallway video
Mike and Cindy Jacobus were testing their new static cam when they caught a ghostly figure step into the hallway and disappear into the kitchen. Although it is quite faint, you can definitely see the figure move in the video as they describe. So the question is: Was this video faked... or were Mike and Cindy lucky enough to videotape a ghost while testing their camera? Go watch the video.
See More About:  ghost videos  ghost hunting  haunted places

News: Psychic Lottery Prediction, Living Dinosaur Hunt
Psychic predicts lottery win... New mokele-mbembe hunt... Haunted U.K. pubs... Are pet psychics real?... Haunted steak house... Haunted mirrors?... In search of Australia's Bigfoot... Sasquatch, logging and the government... MIB: Mysterious encounter... Black-eyed people: A race in the shadows... Alien artifact or doomsday device?

Reader Report: Crow: Harbinger of Death
"I was at a local gas station," says Ray, "when I saw this huge crow sitting on top of the car. I walked up to the driver's door and the crow continued to sit there looking at me. I waved my arms a few times and said, 'Shoo!' but it just continued to look at me. I wasn't sure what to do when it finally slowly flew away. I was a little uneasy, but finally put it out of my mind...." What did it mean? Read the rest of Ray's report.

The Mysterious Old Woman
Who is the strange old woman who keeps appearing to Raven H., both in her dreams and in her waking life? Raven doesn't know her, doesn't know her name or where's she's from, has never really met her in any personal way. Yet this woman seems to know Raven intimately, giving her messages and warnings about future events. Who is this mysterious woman and how is any of it possible? Read this incredible true story.
See More About:  human mysteries  predictions  witches


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This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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© 2012

And don't miss these:
Loch Ness Sonar Hit, George Michael Haunted, UFOs Over Russia
Men in Black - Captured on Video
Scariest Poltergeist Activity
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Monday, April 23, 2012


Have you signed up yet for the 2012 Haunted America Conference?? The biggest event of the summer (now in its 16th year!!) will be here before we know it! With just a little over 6 weeks to go, time is running out for you to get registered for this great event! Thanks for the overwhelming response that we have alreadty received for the 2012 conference, which has returned to the Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois. We have set a new record for the number of people registered during the first month, which is great, but the bad news for you who like to wait is that the after-hours events are filling up fast! Some of these special events are already filled, so don't wait much longer to make sure that your name is on the list!
Go to the Conference Website to get Registered NOW! 

* May 1 Deadline!
In order to get one of the limited edition souvenir shirts from the 2012 events, you must be registered and have your shirt pre-ordered by May 1! A very limited number of shirts will be available at the conference. Register and order your shirt now!
* Discount Registration Price! Make sure you pre-resgister now for the event to get the discount price of only $50 for the weekend. The price goes up at the door!!
America's Original Ghost Conference (Often Imitated, Never Equaled) is back for our 16th year and will be held over the weekend of June 22-23, 2012 at the haunted Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois. Join us as we return to the conference (you axed for it!) to this spook-infested location and discover nationally-known speakers on ghosts, hauntings, monsters and the supernatural. The event will include lectures and presentations on hauntings, our new "American Monster panel", haunted tours, ghost hunts, workshops, after-hours events and much more! Join us in Decatur and explore this historic and haunted region with our many weekend events, including your chance to hear lectures and workshops on ghosts and ghost hunting; listen to presentations on paranormal phenomena and investigating the unknown; take part in discussions and questions & answer periods; visit haunted locations; take part in haunted workshops; experience ghost tours, late-night investigations, and much more!
This is our 16th year for the Haunted America Conference and a return to our most haunted venue, the Lincoln Theater! As with our other events, guests will be able to gather research on ghosts and hauntings that they won't get anywhere else; meet other ghost hunters from all over America; and visit Decatur -- a place that teems with both history and hauntings! Don't miss this amazing event!!
2012 Haunted America Conference
Friday & Saturday, June 22 & 23, 2012
Haunted Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois
Join author and host Troy Taylor as he returns by popular demand to the haunted confines of the historic Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois for another great year of America's Original Ghost Conference! Built in 1916 on the ruins of the burned-out Arcade Hotel, the Lincoln Theater is the perfect setting for our ghostly event, boasting a long history of spectral sightings, weird happenings and ghost events -- including dozens of paranormal encounters during past conferences! Join us for another weekend of ghosts, hauntings, monsters and the unexplained and experience the spirits, scandals and sins of Decatur -- one of the most haunted cities in the Midwest -- for yourself!
America's Original Ghost Conference (Often Imitated, Never Equaled) is back for our 16th year and will be held over the weekend of June 22-23, 2012 at the haunted Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois.  Join us as we return to the conference (you axed for it!) to this spook-infested location and discover nationally-known speakers on ghosts, hauntings, monsters and the supernatural. The event will include lectures and presentations on hauntings, our new "American Monster panel", haunted tours, ghost hunts, workshops, after-hours events and much more! Join us in Decatur and explore this historic and haunted region with our many weekend events, including your chance to hear lectures and workshops on ghosts and ghost hunting; listen to presentations on paranormal phenomena and investigating the unknown; take part in discussions and questions & answer periods; visit haunted locations; take part in haunted workshops; experience ghost tours, late-night investigations, and much more! 
This is our 16th year for the Haunted America Conference and a return to our most haunted venue, the Lincoln Theater! As with our other events, guests will be able to gather research on ghosts and hauntings that they won't get anywhere else; meet other ghost hunters from all over America; and visit Decatur -- a place that teems with both history and hauntings! Don't miss this amazing event!
* Conference Host - Troy Taylor
* Rene Kruse
* April Slaughter
* Deonna Kelli Sayed
* Beth Meyer
* Curt Strutz
* Rosemary Ellen Guiley
* Eric Altman
* Stan Courtney
* Len Adams
* Tiffany Smith Johnson
* Dale Kaczmarek
* And Ken Melvoin-Berg
Friday Night ONLY:
Group / Gallery Psychic Session with Tiffany Smith / 9:00 PM
Join renowned psychic Tiffany Smith for a special group session exclusive to the Haunted America Conference! In a group gallery reading, Tiffany provides quick "mini" readings to active participants in the group. Those attending may ask psychic or medium type questions and get a quick, concise reading on the issue in question. These readings are provided in front of the group and observed and heard by all! It's great to see if you have never had a reading before and wonder what questions are asked of a psychic, then you can also join in on the event. Limited seating available! $25 Per Person
Friday Night ONLY:
Wicked Decatur Tour with Troy Taylor  / 9:30 PM -- SOLD OUT!
Saturday Night ONLY:
Haunted Decatur Tour with Troy Taylor / 7:30 PM -- SOLD OUT!
Friday & Saturday Nights
Ghost Hunt at the Lincoln Theater / 10:30 PM on both nights!
Join us for a late night Investigation on Friday or Saturday Night at one of the most haunted places in downstate Illinois --- and America. Come along for another intense investigation of the supernaturally charged theater Lincoln Theater! We’ll spend the late night hours looking for the theater’s ghosts and we’ll also include a history of the theater as well. Is it really as haunted as many claim? Find out for yourself during what may be one of the scariest event of the entire conference! $30 Per Person
Friday & Saturday Nights
Ghost Hunt at the Avon Theater / 10:30 PM on both nights!
Join us for a late night investigation on Friday or Saturday night at the nearby Avon Theater (just a few blocks from the Lincoln!), a 1916 movie house that is haunted by the ghost of its former owner. We'll spend the late night hours looking for this ghost -- and others -- and discover the strange history of the Avon. Offered for the first time during the Haunted America Conference!
 $30 Per Person
Friday Night ONLY:
Ghost Hunting Workshop with Dale Kaczmarek (President, Ghost Research Society) 9:00 PM
 Join one of America's most respected ghost research as he returns for another Haunted America Conference workshop, this time on the wide variety of high-tech equipment that has been introduced to the world of ghost research, and how to use it. He'll be offering demonstrations and showing you the ways to collect the best evidence possible in your own investigations. Workshop will be held at the Lincoln Theater!  $20 Per Person
Private Readings with Renowned Psychic Ken Melvoin-Berg
Ken will be offering private readings throughout the weekend of the conference with limited spots on Friday and for Saturday afternoon. Reserve when registering for the event and we'll fill all of the spots on a first come / first served basis when possible during the conference. Book early -- as always, Ken's sessions will definitely sell out again this year!
Don't miss out on the 2012 edition of America's Original Ghost Conference!

American Hauntings & Whitechapel Press, Decatur, IL,

About Paranormal: The Mysterious Old Woman

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
The journals of the paranormal contain many entries of strange encounters, mysterious people, and unexplained events. The experiences of Raven H. with an elderly woman, told in the feature article below, easily fits into that category. And speaking of strange people, take a look at the video that claims to show real Men in Black, who came to a hotel to inquire after a UFO witness. And don't forget about the paranormal photo hoax contest. You have until May 15, and I'm going to keep bugging you until you send something in.

The Mysterious Old Woman
Who is the strange old woman who keeps appearing to Raven H., both in her dreams and in her waking life? Raven doesn't know her, doesn't know her name or where's she's from, has never really met her in any personal way. Yet this woman seems to know Raven intimately, giving her messages and warnings about future events. Who is this mysterious woman and how is any of it possible? Read this incredible true story.
See More About:  human mysteries  predictions  witches

Men in Black - Captured on Video
According to witnesses who saw these men in person, they were dressed identically in black (as you can see in the video). They had very pale complexions, large blue hypnotic eyes, no eyebrows or eyelashes, and possibly wigs for hair. And they didn't blink. They were said to talk strangely "about governments and conspiracies" and scared some of the hotel employees. Watch the video and read my analysis.

News: Loch Ness Sonar Hit, George Michael Haunted
Loch Ness sonar hit... George Michael' haunted house... Russian UFOs... Bigfoot named as suspect in teen's disappearance... How to hunt Bigfoot... Find Bigfoot, win a free house... Top 10 developments in fringe-ology... Difficulties in spirit communication explained... Haunted house on Indian burial ground?... Haunted castle in Central Park NYC... Best tool for paranormal investigation... Boy says God saved him from bullet.

2012 Paranormal Photo Hoax Contest
It's contest time again! Have you always wanted to capture an image of a ghost, a crypto creature, or a UFO, but just weren't lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time? No problem. Just make one. Not for the purposes of fooling anyone, just for the purposes of our contest. Yes, it's time for our annual Paranormal Photo Hoax contest! Put your best photo editing skills to work and create a phony picture of ghosts, monsters, UFOs or some other weirdness your brain can concoct. You have until May 15 to create your masterpiece. Get the details.
See More About:  contests  paranormal photos 


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This newsletter is written by:
Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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New York, NY, 10011

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And don't miss these:
Ghosts at Sea
Playful Pub Ghost, Teenage Exorcist Squad, White Bigfoot Video
The Watchful Spirit
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