Monday, March 12, 2012

About Paranormal: Encounters with Little People

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Psychic Phenomena

Creatures and More

From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
There are some aspects of the paranormal that are just fun to speculate about. Personally, I find it difficult to give credibility to reported sightings of elves, fairies, gnomes, etc., but that doesn't mean I won't give space to those reports on the website. After all, such reports are no stranger than some of the high-strangeness reports surrounding some Sasquatch and UFO sightings. And I think the possibility of those little people taps into our childhood memories of those enchanting fairy tales we read. Enjoy this week's feature on St. Patty's Day!

Encounters with Little People
St. Patrick's Day this week always puts us in mind of leprechauns and other species of the "wee folk." But do they really exist? Are fairies, elves, and gnomes merely the inhabitants of legends, fables, and children's stories? Are they the products of fantasy and wishful thinking, stress-induced hallucinations, or the visions from a shot too much of whiskey? Like all phenomena of this kind, you'd have a hard time convincing the people who claim to have actually encountered these little creatures that their experiences were anything but real. Read these reports from readers.
See More About:  little people  fairies  elves

Why is the Unexplained Unexplained?
The mysteries of the paranormal seem to have been with people are long as there have been people. Ghosts and UFOs have been described and reported for thousands of years. Yet they remain frustratingly elusive. Why? Why with all our intelligence and sophisticated technology does an understanding of these phenomena still elude us? Here's a thought experiment on why many aspects of the paranormal - from ghosts to UFOs - remain elusive and unexplained.
See More About:  paranormal basics  ghosts  ufos

News: Possible Bigfoot Video, Mysterious Flash, Poltergeist
Castle Rock Bigfoot... Mysterious Phoenix flash... Stubborn poltergeist... Check in to this haunted hotel... Vicar buys haunted castle... Anderson Cooper's whacky weird gay ghost tour... Hans Holzer, the man behind the ghosts... Bigfoot is an archetype... Meet the "psychic vampires"... What hypnosis really does to your brain... US military seeks sixth sense training... Preacher concedes apocalypse prediction wrong... High strangeness on audio... The ancient astronaut flaw - and it's not minor.

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If you haven't been to the Paranormal Phenomena Forum, you're missing out on some interesting (and sometimes controversial) discussions, additional information, and fun. The Forum is a great place to express your feelings, ideas, problems, theories, and to make new friends who share your interest in the unexplained.


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Stephen Wagner
Paranormal Guide
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